My Blog

Hedo and his Shopping Spree

Last month while we were in New Jersey we had plans to go into NYC for a day. That was the one day that was brascold with 100% chance of storms. I had been sick with a head cold so going to NYC wasn’t too appealing to me anyway, so it worked out when the group decided to spend the day on the couch. We were flying back home the next day… Hedo wanted to go to Victoria’s Secret, but we didn’t really have any time, until NYC was cancelled. So, I bundled up and we drove over to the VS Store. We walked in and immediately saw our lady who remembered us from October. What a great lady! She’s so helpful and always in a good mood. Last time I had Hedo and Devil shopping, this time it was just me and Hedo. I do wonder what she must think, but she’s never made us feel anything but good while we’re there. Anyway, This time I walked out with a handful of panties, a couple bras and a nightie! All of which, Hedo picked out. Thank you, baby! You’re always good to me and you’re fun to shop with. We don’t spend an awful amount of time in the store. We walk in, look around, grab a couple items, then proceed to the check out counter. It’s perfect!

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