My Blog

This Week at a Glance:

This week is going to hopefully be less chaotic than most, but that is most likely a pipe dream. This much I do know, tomorrow I will be at the Elle King concert in Austin at Stubbs, which is surprisingly exciting for me. I am not a big LIVE music fan, truth be told. I could honestly do without. The sound is too loud, I cannot hear one word that is being screamed into the mic, the people are obnoxious and I really do not want to stand for every song except for three. However, my opinions are my own and most do not share in my distaste of LIVE music… EVER. lol. With that being said, I was doing shots of tequila with #fuckingrob when we found out Elle was going to be in Austin and I am still looking forward to seeing her, even sober. lol. That is tomorrow night, so no date night. I am sorry, Fella’s, two weeks in a row which means I have some serious making up to do.

How does Thursday at 11p EST work for you all?

PS – T’giving is near.

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